Posts Tagged 'Universe’

Black and White Sun

Космос и СолнцеRains and sunrises. Beautiful World!
Source of nature is unique.
Solov′inoû trill forest conquer,
Give all Weather song
(On the lučike of light raprostranim)
Forest dance, isparim River,
Bathing in the sky, ultramarin.
We are with you once again
- Sun, be my! :)

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ВибрацииI came into this world, to see the Sun,
And blue horizons.
I came into this world, to see the Sun,
And the towering mountains.

I came into this world, to see the Sea,
And the lush color valleys.
I concluded worlds in a single gaze,
I am the Lord of.

(Konstantin Balmont)
≋ ≋ ≋ Vibration of a Space together ≋ ≋ ≋

Layered Space

Космос СлоистыйI, bearing the whole globe
On the little finger of the right hand is
My ring unspeakable enchantments, —
You say: Are you!
You broke out of the darkness.
So I cry cry for cry, Read more


НаселениеFor experimental purposes on some Planets can regenerate various kinds of consciousness, many of which may be foreign to each other. Usually, This is because of the low level of development of the warring types, that is quite common for different groups of microbes. If some of them doryvaûtsâ to “the King's throne” – do not hesitate to Read more


SuicideAnd I červonnoû shirt
Proud, the bit between his teeth clenching, —
The war dressed in bore.
My dead eyes turning black point.

☸ Randomness legitimate ☸

“Female dogs”


The death of a woman. Here's a sign
In the Palm of your, the young man.
The seventh eye! Pray! Beware! The Enemy
Keeps watch at midnight.
◪ ◩ Love – Just. Wound – Fast. ◩◪


Карма. Невольница
Was it. Here Is The, revët like a beast,
Launched the hammer of destiny, enemy at the door.

Vtoptana Love
- Pierce Cry.
Throw some blood
For high office – Hangman.

♥(¯ ' •. ¸ Love pervades the universe ¸. • ' ¯ ´)♥


КосмосDon't tell me Star – not learn then:
Who, Why, where will, to meet the forever.
That's our flight leaves at Starship,
To accurately see Cosmos black like sings.

(Mumiy Troll, or something similar to it)

In space there is nothing except the Energies. All this revolves, turns, is converted, improved. Are Present ( ( ( ✭✭✭ Cosmos ✭✭✭ ) ) )


Христос и АнтиХрист
Do you have a Living Ideas?
Well prepare the discharge summary.
Would like to implement plan?
Relax: power captured the Antichrist.

Way to the relationship with the world and the environment on the basis of the position:” If works – mean and vice versa too, something must be”. For the process of AntiHristizma are commonly used:

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Harmony you have to be able to Create Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ

Universe. The Right Of Free Will. The Right To Freedom Of Choice.

Космос. Вселенная. Фиолетовый. Синий.

You razmahivaeš′ the bow of Orange,
Green, yellow or red banner.
And I burn, in all spaces of radiating,
The Purple the blue flame…

Have The Right Of Free Will ✪ ✪ Love Space read more.

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