Archive for the 'Love’ Category

Spell … the…!

Looking at the threads Time, There is no doubt,
in that, that Creation has a much higher level of Consciousness,

rather than manifestations of, use ✫ Cosmos Endless ✫

The Era Of Races

Let's Start, as always, Since that what surrounds us.

So, that we have? Are born in families, all somewhere to run, something doing, they say, that create, and then build, and another us cram some pointless knowledge, which (as we were told) need for Peace and the ≾ Space – This is our All certain racially based land measures

Call it as you want

I want to emphasize that the, that bad People simply does not exist. Just as bad Creatures. All the difference procreated behaviors only special types of thinking. For full development simply turn in your type of thinking. The whole spectrum of consciousness ☸ Sincere Joy – It stars ☸

Purification of consciousness

Just a feeling Water occurs after the cleaning consciousness. Pure consciousness just loves and knows the, where is it feeling. Because there is nothing more, and all the distracting is the vanity, who reviewed. Therefore,, in order to be purified to ✴ dive into Space ✴

Why Love?

During the analysis, many may wonder: "Why LoveThere is a God for our consciousness?». Precisely because the, that God – It's to the point where "cool" and infinitely on all levels and directions, separately and together, that no ✫ Endless Love ✫

You built a House, but forget who will live in it

Thank you, Dear Friend! For your sincere and the most unexpected for me compliments, I have never thought to dream. Just one word. !Skill. All my life I had one myself the ability to love. AND Love nested in this information gives such Space result. Such, that even, people simple as I can, not scaring professional "ø ¤ º° ¨ SPACE •° * ~ is omnipresent..


GodCreature, constantly residing in the State of create Love, and a permanent "high" from the Love, simply put, in Nirvana. Nirvana is not the purpose for God -This is just a result of his Soul (which is a an infinite number of Infinite Worlds, at least, and the description is not


In order to experience in practice, What is Divine Love necessary and sufficient to use one of the following ways:

1. Think of yourself as a child. Up to three years of age. What did you do, How to behave. And reproduce the sensations. You can even sit down and play the game. It is important to remember a Space of sensations…

Simple Love


So do something?….

Everyone has to deal with Favorite thing in order for the, to to feel Love and this feeling.

In this situation, there is likely to become dependent on their own consciousness (intelligence). Because Favorite case always good at it. Undoubtedly the result has implications for consciousness, and allows you to The Americas be infinite :) Read more…


Love – This is a natural feeling. And physiological process.

Increases The Lovephysiological process in an infinite Space: Read more…

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