Archive for the 'God’ Category

Theory Of Worlds. Hierarchy

Consider any World. For Example, This. Regarding this World There are more and more Low World (for example, 2-d

), and more High World (for example, 4-d).

The 2-D World.



If a three-dimensional reality is Read more



The agreement provides the right one Creatures use “design” other Creatures. Usually metadogovor always a unilateral.

Metadogovor has no material form. He therefore called “metadogovor” that is on the mental level. I.e.. between Creatures the level of morality Whom so high, What tangible confirmation of their agreement does not require. Just as it says that the, that sign metadogovor Read more



imageIn our lives a whole lot happening, on so many, that is just not pripomniš′. But the one thing I never doubted since childhood and always knew what, that I Russian. And when some came to – a more accurate vibration “Russian“.

In the word “Russia” so perfectly formed sounds, that Read more

About me

imageAll Live read the prophecies (If you got to them) waiting for the coming of the Savior (even if you are not sure about this), the Prophet, Comforter.

Jews await the Messiah, Christians – The Second Coming Of Christ, Muslims – Imam Mehdi ( the Mahdi or twelfth 12 Imam), “the Indians” – Onion Skinned Avatar Of Vishnu, and Buddhists waiting for Maitreya Buddha.

Every normal person about himself might say so: Read more

Withdrawal limits

imageInfinite Space created the Supreme Mind Single Brahman, Which is located in three States: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. They can communicate with each other. Brahma – works. Vishnu – is in contact with each point of creation at the same time, monitors the development of creation, protects and helps develop created Beings.

The Cosmos exists, to Read more

the, who called himself “Zeus”

ДемонSincerely sorry, that is all, that you could:
The one whose “brain” vzomnil himself that he is God.
Remember and know: Read more

Continued Awakening :)

imagePeople have been tested for identity of consciousness to the type of the Divine. And qualitatively, the unusually, with a lot of sincerity. In General: some surprises. Well, what more can you expect from People? :) This information you missed. “The idea of creation of an SE, similar forms of life, which would be autonomous and separate evolutionary scenario on a separate planet soared in our minds long ago. On the ground we got quite by accident, Read more

!#№;”%?* My name doesn't sound * # $ ^%& as, However, and your…

kosmos alfa omega 8 infinities gold

kosmos 8 infinities

Here's the MOP.. AA!?
It's got to this černâgu utvorit′?!!!

Info, You'll learn now, will change your view of the world formed prior to this, and it is commensurate only with the opening of the new Space Read more

The Era Of Races

Let's Start, as always, Since that what surrounds us.

So, that we have? Are born in families, all somewhere to run, something doing, they say, that create, and then build, and another us cram some pointless knowledge, which (as we were told) need for Peace and the ≾ Space – This is our All certain racially based land measures

"Mechanisms of self-destruction"

Most often in life looms in front of your eyes?

Just a few minutes, watch TV, and on the pretext of chocolates you will try to put in a lot of "chocolate". With, If you're a person susceptible, and to attract your attention, there is no need to break your nose, the ✰ Stars fall from heaven. Everything sparkles with and without…✰

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