Posts Tagged 'Goings On’


And then the “Excellent Far”, which “do not be cruel”
It is not at all easy to deceive.

Despite the large number of bullying the legends about Moscow, each, who will be the stronger your fears, Moscow open Read more


ВибрацииI came into this world, to see the Sun,
And blue horizons.
I came into this world, to see the Sun,
And the towering mountains.

I came into this world, to see the Sea,
And the lush color valleys.
I concluded worlds in a single gaze,
I am the Lord of.

(Konstantin Balmont)
≋ ≋ ≋ Vibration of a Space together ≋ ≋ ≋


ДэвыEach creature is developing according to its own Standard. Even not knowing or not knowing it, Substantive development cycle is precisely because of this Standard. Read more


It's simple.

☼ ૐ equilateral Who begot Anticivilizaciû? ☼ ૐ equilateral

Goings On

ПроисходящееShake the palaces. Fathers
The orbit of secrets. Open
They Say.
Wave flow fly up to,
Glitter zipper catching.

✪ ╬ ╬ Cosmos affection and Open ✪

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Goings On