Posts Tagged 'The Devas’


ДэвыEach creature is developing according to its own Standard. Even not knowing or not knowing it, Substantive development cycle is precisely because of this Standard. Read more

Layered Space

Космос СлоистыйI, bearing the whole globe
On the little finger of the right hand is
My ring unspeakable enchantments, —
You say: Are you!
You broke out of the darkness.
So I cry cry for cry, Read more


ТантраTantra – a mutually beneficial merger Astral bodies.

Depending on the characteristics of the organism and the level of development of the consciousness of the creature is able to engage in Tantra with suitable under the terms of the Creatures. They may be as a Transcendental Being and less. Depending on the conditions. Read more

The Devas. Sin. Rotten Karma. Opposites.

image…You slivaeš′ on living fictional you “Madame Tussauds!”.
(A) “I” – Like burn Patterns!..

You need to be able to think, to not understand simple things, the meaning of which is, the entire development process in the universe occur before the State, in which the Read more



The agreement provides the right one Creatures use “design” other Creatures. Usually metadogovor always a unilateral.

Metadogovor has no material form. He therefore called “metadogovor” that is on the mental level. I.e.. between Creatures the level of morality Whom so high, What tangible confirmation of their agreement does not require. Just as it says that the, that sign metadogovor Read more

Withdrawal limits

imageInfinite Space created the Supreme Mind Single Brahman, Which is located in three States: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. They can communicate with each other. Brahma – works. Vishnu – is in contact with each point of creation at the same time, monitors the development of creation, protects and helps develop created Beings.

The Cosmos exists, to Read more

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The Devas