Posts Tagged 'The Gods’

Theory Of Worlds. Hierarchy

Consider any World. For Example, This. Regarding this World There are more and more Low World (for example, 2-d

), and more High World (for example, 4-d).

The 2-D World.



If a three-dimensional reality is Read more

The Gods. All were right

The Gods live in The Divine World. God represents the highest level of development Creatures, and is a very The Essence Of The This Creatures.

I.e.. take, for example, River. Each river has its own Spirit. All Creatures, the combined concept of river- God rivers. I.e.. itself The essence of the River-God of rivers. Same thing with any other The Substance Of The.

One GodThe Essence Of God. I.e.. each separately Like An Endless Space…

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The Gods