Logical Basis. Logical Foundation.
- November 4th, 2009
- Posted in Infinite Space . Cosmos . Love . We . The Awakening . Суета . Факты
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“I know your works; you are neither cold, nor hot; about, would that you were cold, or hot! But, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, then I will vomit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:15-16)
Logical Basis (Logical Foundation) – is a set of characteristic reactions Consciousness, laid down at the deepest level (instincts and did not stand there and not sitting:).
Logical Basis – “shemotično” reflects fundamental process options, leaking inside Consciousness, You can predict how will Being, with data Logical Basis.
The main task Logical Basis is, to the most Qualitatively and Volumetric Accumulate Impressions, by means of the flow and speed of information The Logical structure Consciousness.
In General, the processes, changes in processing information, can be described as follows:
1. Consciousness perceives Information either Vibration. I.e.. accepts an input Signal.
2. Input Signal enters the matrix Logical Basis and is there treatment.
3. Consciousness gives Output Signal, which leads to the characteristic of the Signal reactions in this The Body.
Parabola – represents the shape the rotated “nose” up. Area parabola (shaded) collects Impressions, accumulating thus Standard experience. I.e.. It's Matrix perception ambient World. This type of basis is saying: “Whatever is done – all for the better!” That is true and successfully works in the space of this basis.
Two Parabola – represents a shape, of the two the same, posted in Parties of parabolas. Is a common model Analytical Thinking. This type of Thinking allows you to quickly select the most the optimal path realization.
Linear – is a flat line… What is a straight line? Smooth line in the logical bases of thinking – “rectum” , Death by kardiografe, guarantee the existence of, exist without development Life, “that included – then it happened”, i.e.. linear behavior. This line can be tilted in any way. But worst of all, If this line is axis coordinates, i.e.. masquerades as it. Is determined by the basis as follows – such Creatures react small emotions for small and large emotions at large. With mounting emotion almost always the same as the initiating. I.e.. they do not collect any Vibrant experience. In all Life situations they have already identified own position. And is it to be “head”. But others speculate about such a position does not necessarily. The Very the existence of such basis dangerous for the whole ambient. Area The Logical Matrix this basis – It's the thickness of the This same line. But as the line shows only the border shapes – USABLE FLOOR SPACE IN THIS BASIS NO!!! I.e.. their very existence – Paradox! This type of Logic is more suitable for Elements Chip, but no way to Live Creatures. Even a normal wire more high-quality Logic. We like to call this Foundation “The Basis Of Death”, but Death not supported this “The Idea Of”
The title will be: “Linear Basis, destroying the surrounding World“. Simply put, It's Basis “the black hole“.
The Basis Of Love – This is the easiest Basis
represents all The versions of all the logical Bases or all of the space Logical Bases or all A Boolean Space Bases. One of the peculiarities of this basis is the ability to take the form of any Logical Basis If necessary,. In this and say:” God Loves all their children equally.” I.e.. None Basis no stranger to, If this is the Basis. In General Basis Love is another logical Space, which has a higher The Level Of and the degree of orderliness.
Thanks to the features of Logical Basis Love, which have People, take form any Logical Basis, “Zeus” and his gang was pushed in People various position Bases, and in this way put on People their experiments. IN as a result of some of these experiments People started yourself destroy in the truest sense: Open veins, to get to the “Tin“, commit suicide, tough “širât′sâ drug” and other silly things. And it is these People have increased reserve Love and we are convinced that, that:”all in World “Ok” and no there is no CD, all in World created on for me”. Yes it is but right now the situation is such, that between you and World, created especially for you, adopted the position of PV, and sucks Energy and of thee, and of World. AND, not taking this into account, You can get into big trouble. So you need to be aware of all your own actions and what they do. Only one is able to take the inverted Basis.
Some, Perhaps, even notice the cases, in which rapidly take solutions, who at first view well-considered and true, and then catch yourself thinking “and what it is I?“. This is the case, in which you have worked on privitomu you Logical Baseline. Also, if you use for life not inherently Logical Basis you – It means that you Live not its Life.
In General Logical Bases Creatures There are also a variety of, and their form depends in many respects on the conditions World, which is translated Consciousness. It is necessary for the, to the maximum Qualitatively accumulate Impressions When life in this portion of World form.
But for the mortal sin will have to appropriately pay….
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1. "That was before: the chicken or the egg?»
Are two concepts of "egg" and "CHICKEN" and a NUMBER of CONCEPTS CAN BE DEPLOYED CONSISTENTLY (RPRP) you want to find a clue prior to each.
In the RPRP for “EGGS” the previous is “CHICKEN”, because the term "embryo" (or other ) We are interested not in question, we can neglect the.
In the RPRP for “CHICKEN” neglected notion is "chicken", but not "tresnuvsheesja egg (from which tries to hatch out chick)», because in question are not accentuated on the binding nature of the review only eggs of a holistic State, t. (e). for “CHICKEN” the preceding is not a concept on which accentuated the question, and its variation.
2. Given the notion of “Nedvizhushhegosja (Achilles)” , that is not in the RPRP and lack of dynamic State which implicitly movements, that following the Prosecutor produce and we are rearranging this notion to the previous position in the RPRP concepts “Moving (Turtle)” – This and the whole mystery of the aporia of Zeno. In this formulation, the question even Usejnu Bolt does not compete with turtle…
Don't you think, that everything genial is simple?