Archive for February, 2009

Rejoice – so full

In honor of the holidays put a copy of that information flow.
This document in PDF format. We will append it with time.
Subscribe to interesting.


Documented: Download space
* Distributed in accordance with Common Cosmic Convention.

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Increase domain

Hello, Guys!
It seems that we have exciting news :)
If fears are correct and confirmed – have to change the name of the domain.

I ask you to look at the mirror site. – initially the main project website – mirror site proetka wordpress. – mirror 2 on the site proetka wordpress. – mirror on Google's Blogger project resources. – mirror 2 on the resources of Google's Blogger.

"Mechanisms of self-destruction"

Most often in life looms in front of your eyes?

Just a few minutes, watch TV, and on the pretext of chocolates you will try to put in a lot of "chocolate". With, If you're a person susceptible, and to attract your attention, there is no need to break your nose, the ✰ Stars fall from heaven. Everything sparkles with and without…✰

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February 2009