Many have heard, What is money, Some were holding, and almost everyone thought about that, It is now in the hands of money it keeps ...:)

So ... money. No matter how weird is just the condition of sharing materialized, to date,, in paper form.

Will Update. There Were, like, during the time of the Sumerians. For ease of exchange of goods. I.e.. in order to not wear a bag of grain at the bazaar on the shoulders, and exchange it for Kourou, cabbage, spoons, sour cream ... Imagine:

A man goes to the Bazaar with a 50 kg sack of grain on the shoulders, and here is another worth with cabbage:

- Hey, man come on change: I'll seed, and you me cabbage.

- Come on.

- Good cabbage: juicy.

- Mmm, and grain just a fairy tale.

Here comes another one.

- Hey, the guy with the grain, take my Kourou for a third bag

- Goes ...

Oh and, shorter, Here we go ...

You can exchange all, but it's easier to just fit into the pocket of the, in the very large deficit, and this is the, What is least in use: Gold, Silver, diamonds.

That's settled, changed. Someone managed to accumulate a lot of, someone took it all to move to another more reliable place. A third learned, that is a lot of gold on the open road. And why not take advantage of the, If there is a possibility. Attacked, taken away or drowned and lost.

Daa, not nice, have lost a lot of gold. Something needs to be done. Let us collect it in heap in a safe place and protect. But based on the values of this heap will release a paper equivalent, and will hand out all these pieces of paper instead of gold, Let them change. Burn a piece of paper, will release a new, stolen-declare null and void. All agreed.
And so there are a lot of heaps. And each with its own test. Each produces as much, how much feels .... And as much as they should in fact? Hmmm ... again it is necessary to put in order all. Let's create the Organization, which will control, that will decide how much of the money may be in a revolution. Let's call it "-World Bank.

"The World Bank" sets how much money might be on the planet, separating them between all participants, in fractions, the actual values of individual country. I.e.. each country has resources, Gold, fossil, people (They call: «human resources») and so on. Many items you can invent. All of this is the "World Bank" and says: "You can have the amount of money (A)=(V)*(k), where (V) -total volume, (k) is the coefficient corresponding to the values, in your country». Simply put (V)=(a)1+(a)2+(a)3+… an, where (n) -the number of countries, a1-the number of values in the first country in the World Bank "equivalent.

Short money in the present time there are, but this little. We want to develop a new activity, that function will only be in the future. In the future it will have its value, that in turn will make our country more and richer, and our future is brighter (or èfemernee). So, go into the "World Bank" and take credit for development, speaking, in the future we will have here is such a thing ", If we do. Bank makes a loan, and now we have this amount of money from this = money + money from the future, and the level of morality as much as ... (correctly!)… in the present. Successful deal-it should be noted.

Shorter, successful businessmen long have "successfully" develop projects. And now successfully prosadili the future of even the, some of these projects were to anything at all. This kid primerčiki, reflecting the essence of things. The greatest absurdity in this case is that the, that for the proper functioning of the financial system must be tough commitments. I.e.. does not take into account the human factor. This system is better suited for robots or computers: they are able to precisely comply with the terms of, If anyone asks and zapitaet electricity. Remember, has your life event, in which you, It would seem, already all agreed with the distinguished people, even something invested their, as a result, guided in the appendage you any conditions, supposedly necessary for such situations, and you decide to, you simply refuse to. And just lost time, energy and money. These are the people and take credits on our "development". To own a lot of property need a very high level of morality. Otherwise all material becomes suddenly inconsequential.

I.e.. money from the future is the future, estimated in money. Condition-it yourself money. People always have thought, mocked the utopian theories of world order. And the most utopičnuû of all, forgetting, they are not robots.

Somebody climbed in our future without our knowledge. You need to live in the present, These values. In addition to this there is nothing. And in the future will also be present. And will remain the only real.

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