Archive for August, 2011

Layered Space

Космос СлоистыйI, bearing the whole globe
On the little finger of the right hand is
My ring unspeakable enchantments, —
You say: Are you!
You broke out of the darkness.
So I cry cry for cry, Read more

Private Property

Космос Частная СобственностьLooking at the Ways of our Mlechnost,
Eternal Space Infinity.

On the planets of the death of private property is any structure, by the time someone a set. And especially mentally ill dare to express, they belong to the country, not only sea and continents, rise and formation of which they have no relationship at all, and even remotely do not represent yourself as all that create. …▲ Open Space the magnificence of ◊…


ПанацеяAny illness is a nizkočastotnoe Creature, who eats a healthy Energy Beings or energy of life. They can be thought of as parasites dependent. Features that speak for themselves: There is a cure for any disease. Read more

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August 2011