What you will hear only from those, who came into this world before others, and it managed to settle.

No "prophecy" Vanga, Edgar Cayce, a super secret, the hidden Koldun-Mage-magician-vlastelinaMirov, owned by the Government, or is there someone else – not come true.

In the first place, with 1990-1995 year of planet Earth is not predicted path of development. And the prophecies of the most accurate soothsayer Edgar Casey end up somewhere in the 2000 year. This development path is much better that, the naproročili, and still occurs. Can you say thank you to those, who did not believe in cheating, and can and do participate here will help to understand how to do it.

Secondly, in order to predict the – need a very high level of contact. I.e.. very high sensitivity. And it means, to be in society destroyers for someone just unbearable. And it would most certainly die or, a crazy come down, If his conditions do not fulfil. (A) what Government to agree to the terms of a "fantasist". Bummed and no man, and calmer became – "Brilliant!”. Shorter, If they live there – that didn't last long.

Third, all this čuhnâ – a well thought out plan rvačej, who constantly steal your destiny. All the while this just strike fear in your hearts, in the shadow of a doubt you have been unable to take decisions, and at the slightest news about "possible prophecies" you all were grist for the machines and ran to shoot the wrong way, you will be shown the finger driven by grinning representatives rvačej. At this point of time Cosmos does not endorse any military action, the more war for resources and money, needed to obtain a sense of the benefits of a "Commander".

The main fallacy of ordinary people – dream fall under the management of the gods. To them the gods just told what to do, and they were doing it. Well, so here's the greatest deceivers and took advantage of the. They have taken this niche in your mind.
Do not waste time on empty dreams. The gods want to, you have reached their level, and came to them. Better tackle restoration of true knowledge.
And together We can handle, because Cosmos -It is We. You just need to understand the His Infinity. And at Infinity There is no beginning, no end.

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