- December 3rd, 2008
- Posted in Infinite Space . God . Love . We . Техники . Факты
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I want to emphasize that the, that bad People simply does not exist. Just as bad Creatures. All the difference procreated behaviors only special types of thinking. For full development simply turn in your type of thinking. The whole spectrum of consciousness is present everywhere, and every creature. But different colors have different intensity. This is reflected in the spatial, that some territories have priority blue, Red or green, etc.. But there are other colors, only with less intensity. For Example, If the priority red-in such territory is focusing on "material" values, and more precisely, to meet the individual wishes. If the Green is intense concentration on business, Here, even Love business. Where is blue is an energy, giving birth to a sincere interest. If a priority here in the power of the blue-deep knowledge. Yellow-Gold-parent Love. Purple-the unity of all colors and the relationship between them.
The temporary structure looks like - It is the stages of flowers of one space. I.e.. Today you may be blue ", or in energy blue, and tomorrow «purple», and yesterday you were "red". These colors are a priority of our bio-field radiation (Aura), that, in turn, affects the priority type of thoughts and forms a type of our thinking. Just enough fair will be the adoption of, that our emotional state shapes our thoughts, and then the, in what condition we find ourselves most of the time, shapes our way of thinking. The converse of, that our thoughts influence our emotional state, too true.
Development occurs and of better quality and more productive, If you pass it in an environment with energy-related. If you deny this possibility, or permanently "separated" from the natural course of things, breaking into your life, using biological peculiarities and needs-please follow information hygiene. This means, that alien thoughts, as well as foreign train of thought must not perceive. This is good to use a conscious "no". Apply the organizational methods, as well as predefined protective behaviours. Otherwise will be spinning all your life as a squirrel in a wheel and not notice, that time is no longer.
All you need to do is just be acceptable for you emotional state. Its achievement and development contributes to communicating with like-minded people.
If someone wants to reduce the intensity of your special type of thinking, understanding what is happening, or without notice-that such gusts of this substance can be removed and set limits on the data source of the impulses. This The Merits, just like the rest of the, communicate better with "their", which can be found, in an extreme case, on the Internet.
The interaction between different types of consciousness takes place by means of Creatures mixed type of energy. They have several colors are of equal intensity.
Feeling Love for all the same just by different ways. Each has its own karma, and have nothing to with their problems get into someone else's World. You can receive assistance, but nothing to her beg.
World can only manage Divine Love.
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* Distributed in accordance with Common Cosmic Convention.
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In An Infinite Space
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