God Is Watching us. God You can only Love. If you want to feel God in itself, or feel God, to the extent your ability to do too, that and the He. I.e.. Enjoy the surrounding World.

TO God You can only come through Love. I.e.. just need to save up a level Love a decent God -then opens an opportunity to "climb" to the. Another option No. Love us with him connects, (a) confidence in This Love makes us to Him closer.

God created Divine Love. Love created all Things. God is beyond cognition. We We can only feel His Love. And increasing the Love, We can become God, and come to him, increases the God in itself.

I.e.. deliberate breakthrough from the consciousness of the Divine sphere is tantamount to death. Because. such Creatures little Love, and in the divine sphere can only enter Love. I.e.. There can be only love, which has been accumulated over a lifetime of consciousness, and all the rest will disappear. I.e.. consciousness without Love disappears, Creature no longer will themselves realize, and will only Love from it. (A) Creature, rešivšeesâ a violation of natural laws of nature (i.e.. the sharp leap from the realm of consciousness and its break), has very small levels of Love. I.e.. If consciousness is guided by the desire to become God -It will die because of, that could lead to its own desire to. Consciousness, obey their own desires is only the "building material" for the origination of the consciousness. THE God There is no beginning, no end. So hurry, guys, nowhere to.

Divine Love -This is the, that we can sense how Creatures, This is our benchmark (or lighthouse) on God. Increases The Love a we are approaching God, and the increase of God in yourself. Divine Love is our God. This is God for our consciousness.

Thus, our immediate task is to increase the Divine Love. If you Love more-It was more in this World in General, and you become more stable. And less stable Creatures, seeing your stability, seek to increase their own, Perhaps after several attempts to take it away from you to a known way. These creatures are beginning to increase their Love too, First, on the principle of similarity, focusing on you (the formal copy you), but after starting to search for content, and find Love in its own way. And if the Love becomes more single The Substance Of The -It becomes more generally. And if the Love more- Love just got easier, and God is closer.

So, If you Love skiing-you need to ski and to feel Love. If you Love draw-you need to draw and you feel Love. If you Love cry-you need to cry and feel Love. If you like question-you need to question and to feel Love. If you Love be serious-you need to be serious and you feel Love. If you Love to have sex, you need to have sex and you feel Love. If you Love go to the Astral plane-you need to go to the Astral plane and the feel Love. If you Love sleep-you need to sleep and feel Love. If you Love fight-you need to fight and feel Love. Just don't bother each other Love. If you Love Love Is Love.

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