The Verdict. Partial recommendations “World Government”.
We decided to provide you with a copy of the sentence of Frank enough Outer Court. However, before you read we do “the standard warning about sootvetstvennosti rules”
Before reading the following message, you are required to take the warning Rules. and cautions:
1. If you do not have 18 years – you read prohibited.
2. If you are susceptible people, or people with unstable mentality – you read, the more, prohibited.
3. If you are a sick man – you read prohibited.
All this is necessary because the, that sharpness and exposure of this information is commensurate with a splash of emotions, that is higher than that in the case of advertising chocolate using a naked woman's breasts or genitals.
So, If you agree to all terms and conditions – in the case of information, any of your complaints, charges, insults are not considered valid and is not appropriate, as well as absurd – because you have been warned about the possible consequences of. From this point, you are entirely responsible for your own actions, and if not favourable to you the events you can only blame yourself and no one else.
“Cradle your breath just to be able to breathe: otherwise every next breath may be the last…Because the entity Is…” (God Of Demons, Bakudo)
“World Government” in the face of degenerated Zetov, and kodly entered into a contract with Zetami and, who called himself “Zeus”, uniting to tomfoolery, of cunning, intentional, deliberate destruction of the human race, in particular, and life in General, for:
1. Very Clever, The Intentional, Deliberate Destruction Of The Human Race;
2. The use of humans as biological material;
3. A selfish use of Human intellectual potential;
4. The capture and destruction of the human soul (Consciousness);
5. Perversion of the energies available to people;
6. Life among the people without permission, use them as “the functional pieces of meat”, due to the pressure on physiological characteristics of an organism;
7. The enslavement of mankind to their own low-frequency Vibrations;
8. same thing in relation to any other Race;
as well as:
1. Original Sin. Felony Of The First Degree Of The Importance. That is a crime against all of the cosmos. Violation, the wilful distortion, perversion of will and of the creator, created this Space. Namely: knowingly created an obstacle in the process of formation and development of the Consciousnesses, and deliberately destroyed the already created. It is a crime against the first three Divine Worlds and Single Brahman;
2. Original sin on the Fourth Three Divine Worlds and the eleventh of the divine world in particular. Crime of first degree of Importance on the Fourth Three Divine Worlds and the eleventh of the divine world in particular. For an attempt to abuse the energy of life, that is, on life itself, and theft;
3. The original sin of all divine Worlds. The brazen robbery and attempted rape of the energies of different quality;
4. The original sin of the entire Universe for the deliberate Conscious actions, associated with the rise of Chaos at the higher levels of the order of the universe;
5. Seminal Sin in relation to the absolute. The denial and distortion of non-linear Vibration, sent to you for your own development. Trying to assert themselves as the absolute, in this way to subdue all things yourself, and take the place of the absolute, but the only microbes.
are sentenced:
1. To exile and sealing in the lower layers of reality: in dimensions from the second to the minus of the fourteenth, Depending on the hardship of crimes committed.
2. All the expelled for development and reconstruction will be assigned an Eternity and a half Eternity. The Cosmos will produce constant tracking and retrieval of Creatures, of potential interest, (a), If necessary,, sealing of the other in the lower layers of reality.
3. All consciousness, unable to develop during this period will be subject to destruction in one of the following ways:
3.1. The usual destruction, Perhaps, spraying.
3.2. The destruction not only of Future but also of Past.
3.3. Erasing from the memory of Things, or dissolution in the being.
Note 1.
In exile and sealing the Consciousnesses in the lower layers of the technology will be applied to the Reality of Lower Worlds, used to waking life in dead matter, such as “kolosožatel′stvo” (Read more in the “The Theory Of The Worlds”), as well as processing in “Melting Furnaces” (If necessary,). Integrated application of such scientific developments will increase the elasticity of the affected process of exile Consciousness, that in turn will make it more receptive to Development, leaving his Ascension could increase.
Clarification and Explanation.
Space promised Rob you of all, that “you” using invented you “laws” – Let will be a simple promise:
1. Russian – It is a State of mind. Taken in “Russian Legislation” – details on the Forum.
2. Article 55.2 “The Constitution Of The Russian Federation”: In the Russian Federation no laws shall be enacted, abrogate or derogate from human rights and freedoms of man and citizen.
3. Federáciâ (LAT. foederatio-, Union) -form of Government, in which parts of a federal State are State entities, have legally defined political autonomy. (Now at this point we have the Galaxy or Universe, in which the “part of the Federal State” are Planets or galaxies. But that's not all…)
4. According to your “Code”: Person, the perpetrators of the crimes, equal before the law and are subject to criminal liability irrespective of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, belief, membership of public associations, as well as other circumstances. (In General, quite boldly: A judge with such a code can only be God, but usually it is an atheist.)
The reason prosecution is the Act, contains all of the elements of crime, provided by this code. (because. in your “Code” is not responsible for the crimes, as a result of which generate similar “Codes”: capturing the planet pereroždennymi Zetami and their kodloj, the deliberate initiation of wars, (for example, a family of well-known criminals, many sing the praises, last name which is consonant with the breed of dogs Rottweiler, and the like, sponsored and unleashed two world wars, mean forced the army to attack the city of some other) – your case is referred to the higher tribunal: Galactic, Universal, Space) And even your “Code” many caught in the destruction of the Russians and have to answer for their acts…
You too zarvalis′ carried away, playing in the “law”. You are no different from an ordinary person, In addition to an incredible arrogance and blind ambition, caused by profound veneration before the customary Inferior Vibrations. You do not have any outstanding ability: you do not know how to fly, walk on water, and so on, and gathered in a place only, to “muddy water in the puddles” and, Thus, obscure the sober mind. People allowed you to perform only administrative functions, that is, the work remained, the rest do not hunt. But you so much unabashed “exceeded all expectations”, that even decided to engage in the distribution of human destiny and Lives, not having any idea about how Karma, and even some not realising what is the energy of life. But rather than deal with the issue you have prepared millions of excuses (as this is funny: “zapudrivat′ brains”). Tell them to their relatives in Mississippi, with huge teeth and long tail.
The, What do you call a “Law” and present with great importance, When it's over “the only sure method of behavior for ordinary people” (they do not apply to you “in your will”) in reality, are not more than your dreams, supported by those who have “Pellet and pistoletiki” (These you, in turn,, promised to do “secured”. Although it is a promise to perform meaningful for you no, because this type of People you kill (Yes and all who came under the arm) the deliberately created for the wars. And they occur at a time, When it comes time to fulfill the promise to you. Which confirms your favorite phrase: “no man – There is no problem…hee-hee-hee…”. For some reason the, who gives life, It's not sounds and not amused). In the wild you “laws” is ghost promise “A Bright Future”. That, in turn, was not in doubt: The future is sure to be “light” for those, who writes these “laws”, that is for you, invaders of power, because no normal person does not take part in the description of these “mečtov”, which in the end are the only correct form of life for all, who composed them. Forcing, Thus, ordinary people “dance to your tune”. Your the principle of “Circus” already reached the absurd, like your dreams “laws”, You can easily change the, If “dancing to the tune of” no longer are so massively, thus reaffirming the, the songs that you “laws” are nothing more than a plan to destroy the human race, From time to time notices a foolery, then you immediately start a war, or aggressive pressure in various sectors of society. And represent:”It was the divine will!!! Take it! Let's just continue to live and not to point fingers! AND, Perhaps, God will replace your anger at the mercy…” And those who do not agree – in a ditch and stabbed in the neck, because the slaves must be voluntary(with such problems is less than…almost no).
So here is the, suck “Ghouls”: between the Divine will and deeds of sinners(your Affairs) There is an infinite difference, and this “difference” Sturdy dagger pointing at your ycindaz, and thus the divine in you, Finally, will be able to break free.
No “laws” is above the laws of nature and is more important than the law of nature, The vibration frequency is higher. That is, is in a higher Frequency Vibrations. Of course, there is a Natural manifestation of: the higher the Frequency, the higher energy concentration. As a result of the flow of energy More, which burns the interference, that may be a lower Vibration type, If they persistently, in terms of their dreams “the laws of the”, prevent the natural movement of high frequency Energies.
The low frequency Vibration Energies are you, invaders of power (to be more precise – you have it, Energy, generally no). The high frequency Vibration Energies are artists, Poets, Musicians, Writers, Scientists and anyone inclined to be creative and able to love (Read more in the theme “Grain Of Reason”), in Life you (mediocrity) cut directly dreams “the laws of the”, digging out their high-frequency Energy out, creating of these maniacs, killers and perverts, forcing them to either disclose the patterns inherent in their Own Frequency of vibration, in order to subsequently destroy, new type of energy, spraying it on your own wish (only a Low-level Vibration), or vynuždaete of these creatures to destroy Itself, because they refused to reveal to you, “microbes” and “courgettes”, access related to The high frequency Energies. And Ay-Ay-Ay, How are you disappointed, and after that you need to do “bad”, for example, maniacs and perverts.
That's why all “bad” you need to know: According to the laws of nature is a natural manifestation of Reciprocity. As a good example (evidence) You may want to consider the force of Gravity, based on the principle of attraction (Similar to a similar) or Mirror. And your Mutual reciprocal defense reaction, in an attempt to destroy you as individual consciousness, supported by Cosmos and God. Because no rational being, the municipal laws of Reason, to see the result of their impact in the form of investigation or Consequences, in order to gain the mind, which each creature has an obligation to Collect Yourself. And this is one of the Divine Designs, Divine Will. Lose Mind-equally and let others Build own mind. “bad” you just need to know, that the ordinary normal people not involved in your suffering, their touch is prohibited. Pay your attention to the causative agent of your troubles and go in that direction. Of course “the microbes” tried to protect himself fictitious “the laws of the”, but you, affected, you need to consider what your thinking ability by several orders of magnitude superior to similar in “microbes”, because they are for you “like cheese on a plate”.
So here is the, God, in the form of various types of absolute Power, come check out how here, the most promising Experiment in outer space Planet, marks of his divine will. What do you think: He delighted? He now thinks of you, After looking at the world through the eyes of one of the most unusual and promising research, which is the human body? What do you think, can you hide in the woods or under the ground, and even in some point of the infinite Cosmos?
Will Update, the fact that you drove through the wires, and navarivaete the capital – This We, or one of our forms of embodiment. And now for something, that took credit without permission, you owe us an infinite number of lives. You may have to recover every last drop, and your body will decorate the puppet in the outskirts of our cities placed on the number of. Pity you bury in the ground, and so, though the birds will eat. AND, Perhaps, in this new Transfigured Form we will admire the beauty of your flight. Well, and without it we, of course, are you opposing Sensations. This is a consequence of the well-known to you the law of nature, The reason for which you have. When talking about which you always are trying to obscure the sober minds of statements:”You must love this world what it is…” Oh and Love the world, what it is, and the Us as part of this beautiful world with what we eat, show us an example of own, so far, the good-for-nothing lives. Without seeking to make Us competitive for you dreams, that we will never be. If we – Electric Current, the products of life can never be (Unlike you “microbes and courgettes”:) and do not need us to offer poluvarianty – otherwise we will be forced to put you on the number of. In your dreams “laws” introduced “ban” on the manifestation of Our strongly expressed by functions, and “permission” slabovyražennyh but profitable for you, hidden saying:” You can only play our desires”. Why not stick to our own recommendations:” Be smarter than others. Do look that you don't notice…” Here and pretend that you don't notice Our highly expressed vibration and just let us develop them. Otherwise, some of Our high-frequency Vibration Waves Outgoing you will link, and the selected Frequency will be the most appropriate form of, (a) in accordance with the principle of reciprocity you exactly from it will not be sweet.
From now on all your naive dreams, who do you call “the terrible act”, are available only to you and only to you: you made that up – that's live on their “Wolf law”. With these, you will not “managers”, a regular member “Grey Wolves”. In your ranks there is not even any Enlightened, but the animals wolves, vozomnivših yourself “The Great Sages”, even be counted, You zamahivaetes′ on the role of experts in Life, in which the, in turn,, a single gram does not understand much, After all, your eyes filled with blood, and one of the only of its kind you go crazy. And now it's not only the divine will and the law of nature.
We are the same, like all normal people, We will live according to the laws of nature, which have the form of manifestation in any space, and are the Undisputed Fundamental Value. Any attempt to suppress the natural history of the laws of nature, will be regarded as an attempt to Our destruction (example and proof of which is provided in the text above), and artists like the killers, and would entail appropriate response, due to the need to protect themselves from our side. For all the consequences of hitting on you – you accept full responsibility and can only blame himself in everything. “Rotten God”, vozomnivšij your dreams are more important than the laws of nature Of Reality, will be placed on the number of.
If you are not able to understand the (but, most likely, do not want to, because you are not on hand) the described pattern – It means your level “intelligence” very low even to express own opinion, not exposing ourselves to ridicule, not to mention the fact that “make laws”, without their. (From what even our toenails into jellied laughter…((((((:)))))) Imagine, How can you abide by Rule gravitational attraction, not having the gravitational constant, based only on the honest Word, While under the supervision of the “beanbags and pistoletikov”? It's the same Utopian Nonsense!
You can send Us your love. As our sensitivity is infinitely superior to your: We can make your sent, even, Low-vibration power, and, Perhaps, This will make us to you “Kinder” and we will get back to you in return. To do this you need to pray to one God every day, or meditate on Unity, or read “the correct” Mantra, or to understand what to do. But if you continue to send Us, trying to hide a false surface forms, getting caught in all possible ways for the peculiar Beings Emotional Manifestations, his hatred and desire to destroy us cunningly invented ways – This is only to create Resonance of reciprocity, which overwhelm yourself fully.
If you want to know with whom you will encounter – can check the readings of their most “My pimped” military “radar” – any dust from your paintings hanging over the threats will become visible to you, and that's only because your own insolvency.
You will be planted on the Green. ABOUT, Yes. We understand, It's almost that primitive methods (If you lean in judgment to a made-up and your history). But your mistakes made in the past, from which you so strongly want to escape, the knowing, that problem is only possible by working directly with an object not solved your problems. And we see only one way to help you to figure out their own intricacies of the misconceptions: proiniciirovat′ your convergence with your past. This technology allows you to sufficiently recreate the volume of your past to help solve missing you: This is about anal contact good or bad ground stake and parts of your body, otherwise this process in the past you were called as “kolosažatel′stvo”.
Now everyone “sit down for the count” know what lines of conduct followed this.
During execution, the degree of pressure in different areas of Space will be required for the field level. If someone comes to excess, in the other degrees, Stream – You can blame only themselves: for Stream, under which you podsunulis′, proved to be too much for you, for the simple reason, that you probalabesničali all reserved for you, razbazarivaâ invaluable time and effort wasted, Thus, that not only failed to prepare for the elementary events, but, even, predict their, or just listen to the common warnings. Simply put, for injuries, you will get, If you go against life, You can only blame yourself and no one else.
Are you sick of the deep psychological Disease, and we bring you cure: We can't give up on you “Their Fate”.
All what you call “the world around you” is nothing more than Objects as reflected in your mind (i.e.. the surrounding world – Illusion. And that's a fact!). Any of these objects in your hand, acceptable to you, You acknowledge, raise your heaven, vynuždaete of normal people “pray for this nonsense, obožestvlââ it”, some pull down all your imaginary, a false system of world order one only with his presence. With the help of “Institute Of Psychology”, which is in “your property” you use these objects and Creatures shortcut “Mystic”, “inappropriate”, “not acceptable”, “crazy”: not fall within acceptable for you the world. If the creature was not prepared to accept the – means that it is not yet sufficiently developed. But! If a creature has denied the Universe Objects, with perseverance and at any cost, shaping for this “The Institutes Of Psychology” – It means that such a Creature HAVE SURVIVED FROM the MIND, IT BECAME CRAZY, in an effort to hide it using naleplennyh pobystruhe “Unsuited To The Institutes Of Psychology”. Because of the, that you, Survivors from the Mad crazy mentally ill “the crazies” prone to anihilâcii, who constantly pretend, that they simply do not understand what the, what IM talking about, don't do anything except destroy the world around you – We will be forced to answer the enhanced Mutuality in resonance, because you convinced Us, What exactly is your Destruction is the Highest Happiness for you, limit your dreams and God's Providence. We cannot refuse to give you the performance of your “Treasured Desires”. Let it be.
Well, you were warned about everything and not for the first time. And if you die during interactions with us – BLAME ALL OVER MYSELF: other reasons why such events are. If you are not asked about impending developments – too, are to blame, homegrown “Napoleons”.
“Publishers Of Laws” you're navypisyvali yourself of your education, swinging which are trying to convince others that you “Smart”. But you're not only not Smart – you haven't got a mind: that is not a reasonable Awareness of germs. (A) “certificate of Education” confirms the, that of you from neotesannogo boob tried to make use of higher or lower Education boob cut, which in the hands of a keep is not cut, in other words, you have made the process of formation of otesannoj form, or obolvanivaniâ. We are not going to tolerate you, microbes and courgettes in human bodies, listening to suggestions from you about our podhalimskom self-deception.
And these are your “ingenious methods”, You zagonâete healthy people, for you nevygodu, in the hospital, skipping on circles of our “doctors”, make them in the intensive care unit, then simply disconnect the supports life apparatus, and, for reliability, make a shot to the head in the form of a standard procedure for puncture scalp, supposedly, to collect samples of brain cells, rubbing the legend of incurable diseases, formally, palming sympathetic Clowning, behind the mask which is audible carbon monoxide rolling rogot, just ridiculous. It's what “reduced Microbe” you need to be, to, even, thinking about killing People to hide and increasing their anvog, not to mention more? You know…We sympathize with the already “Now”, because “Then” you will not be able to hear our condolences.
Of course, will not make the slightest work for a normal person to notice the main method of your great Deception: He is, to deprive of all living Creatures (including People) Sense of completion in all possible fields. Based on deliberate conscious desire to disrupt and prevent the natural movement of Flows cosmic energy. With, of all possible manifestations of Life you maintain those, You benefit: for example, licking of genitals – This is for you, of course, Voiding a, because you and propagandiruete almost everywhere, talking about some non-existent “goodness” and “kindness”. Once you vykrutili all possible “juices” of Older People – you started the youth and children. In other words, you finished the pagan: even harmless does not formed kids delete, While God and nature they are protected by all means. Normal children tortured to such an extent, that's all they have – amused with your own body parts, having a wank, a secret from parents, because the opportunity to touch your body has not yet taken.
It is not difficult to notice, that's all you do in the hope of, that all people affected by this Major Process (but it is no less – more than ninety percent of), eventually commit suicide, rash or hasty choices, will it harm my health so much, that will be forced to ask for help in in advance prepared you “Institutions Of Government”, as a result, you have them take away even the life, that remained.
Hard to imagine how low levels of the substance must be, to afford to dump their “Rotten Karma” for Healthy and rational beings and slip them my problem, extending thereby its existence nikčemnoe. Instead of looking for good ways to correct our own mistakes, and, Thus, permanently rid yourself of “discomfort”.
You need to come to the realization that, what animals live in the forest, a rabid animals have to bury in a hole.
A little bit about “not significant and not significant changes”. Already a tradition, everything that surrounds you is created by us: All Things. Including you, or Those, Who Have We, but also not without our participation, but to understand everything you need to Develop, While you lounge and vydumyvaete excuses, to continue to live at the expense of somebody else and carefree laze. Many laws and Energy, you are not able to understand the strength of your underdevelopment, or does not wish to develop, hiding behind various excuses, you call “not significant”, or “almost not visible”, or “not significant” and, cancelling projects, suppressing ideas, do not allow the development of Thin Structures, because of the increased private “mertvizny”, in other words because of your low sensitivity and high roughness perception. That is, you are only low-frequency Vibration: them you and develop, to live you all thoroughly. The fact that you refuse to notice, hanging up on a label “not significant” or “not significant” are actually more fundamental and strong laws and Energy, than those, What are you, that is, “gross”. Hence we perceive as your refusal to move in the development of the Fundamental Basics of the universe, and the desire to secede from it. But that's not a task…the point, In addition to sentient being are still Responsible. But all that Exists is of the form, introducing a, But what does not exist cannot boast, and thus Carries not only has no form, but there is no. And since you are seeking to secede – We need to satisfy your strong intention: It's elementary. But, Please note that as we are merciful to you: We do not fulfill your strong desire to be destroyed, and allow you to find yourself in the lower layers of reality and give you a half Eternity. But in order, to you we destroyed you must each personally write a petition and justify: why you must destroy.
Continuing the theme, We will return to this universe. The thrust of development in which – The Rapture of love. After the Creature reaches such a level of development, that in itself is light and darkness vzaimoprinimaet, allowing them to enter into resonance with the vibration of love – It turns into a Dèvu and transcends the universe. In other words, All creatures have a high level of development and the darkness and light, that's why they are the co-creators and demons in one person. But! You always say “Oh! What is love? too me cause for concern. come on you will forget everything that has been. Live like all: go to work, buhaj rest… Its no – that your love! Well show me Her…” Would you still added here for candor:” whether it's a robot, kill yourself”. Yet you are right: Love is visible only to the elite, only those, who is able to love, IE Developed Beings, which cannot be said about you, “microbes Yes courgettes”. On your suggestions: The life and the energy of life is also not visible, see you, too, are not capable of, Let's remove this “little effect”, After all, if you take away what you don't have – It means nothing will happen. Let it be Again bad luck: denying the Love – you deny the universe, which occurred, and any other you are not equipped: There's everything else. Goes like this, you have no place in this universe, that is, right now you are a foreign body. What to do for you? Just execute your “Secret Desire”: expulsion from the universe began!
You do not require the impossible – just give us “Zeus” officially, grandiosely, in announcing to the whole world how you know (so he likes), that “Rotten God” give to God Single. And still add the Antichrist and Satan (“girlfriend”, which it “zalomala”). We all met on a number of. And in this new form, they will all become the embodiment of “The Holy Trinity”, which fell “lower plinth”, and later, After realizing their gravest sins, decided to punish yourself for what, seated himself on the number of their own free will. Self Development – It is superb! But if you do not do this, will continue to hide these killers, vygoraživaâ their, creating obstacles in any form, in the way of our movement to address this “Cancer” for space – We will need you “hook”, and, If the need arises, destroy. The choice here is very simple: Space for us is more important than, Unable to develop a 75 000 years, the microbes.
Laws you have very brazen “interesting”: in accordance with the method of information dissemination is not under your control is called the is “illegal” (“Rotten God” makes itself known). But, If this turns out to be, information promoting the destruction of Life is protected “Copyright” at the State level! For Example, various porn and all sorts of nasty movies, After seeing that people regret that paid the money (Here's yet another hoax). Plant them at the number, If you are prone to justice, especially the German and French, who starred in almost every pornuhah in the world – They bezdali, who does not understand anything and very blatantly interferes with other developing (It is a crime even for your “the laws of”). But Oliver Shanti must be released from prison for the love of the world, If the news about it is not gossip, because they have a mutual love with God, You can watch the surrounding.
And in General, you would not make a public statement in the Government before the start of the meeting of this type “…Dear participants, We are here today, to create and improve an existing zetovskij plan for hidden destruction of the human race. Artfully veiled therefore, all thought, What we do “Welcome”.” Let us not delude Us, People, fooling around on us: bitter truth is better than sweet sweet lies.
Any attempts to unleash the third world war suspect “area” will be exposed to ill-treatment, up to destruction. So if there is anyone – We will gladly plant for the count.
I will eat my boots, “microbes and courgettes in human bodies”, that Order, Who runs the Wind Aeon, do not falter nor one finger, that just as easily strung you to count as Shish kebab with Zucchini on a skewer.
Or everything will be as it was conceived by us, either not be. And it now comes to you.
Time to think out. Now you need to take any side:
1. To join us, in order to protect and nurture life in all its forms. And be ready for the sake of it “go to all”, but the most thoughtful and appropriate, in accordance with the plans and development of, who has long been engaged in these issues, including The Universe.
2. Go to the side of the, who called himself “Zeus” and kodly, under the pretext of not Existing emotional “goodness” continue to destroy Lives, killing living beings, hiding behind the face of the great divine will, fudging the sober Mind the precariousness of Existence, trying to fool around so over God, and earn their Užasnejšuû Reciprocity. And then be planted, minimum, for the count.
Everyone, have meaning in collaboration with us, including the forces of the universe, the Prepared Plans, you can start immediately, but it is worth considering, the best time is between 26.08.2010 the twenty-sixth of July two thousand and ten, inclusive local chronology.
Each had clearly and deliberately until the end of the “The Space Army” becomes immortal in the truest sense and gets under the enhanced care Space. The medicine of Immortality can never prove, because “assessors” probalabesničali, and the talents of consciously “crush”, so don't waste time looking for evidence of superiority of small-minded criteria life energy stocks, which is the actual Immortality. And take care of business in the truest sense, performing immediate tasks for “Achieve Goals” as the results, not wasting time on pointless chatter.
Those who are called “Aliens” worth knowing, that your funds moving through the air will attract particular attention in no more than three first days: on the fourth – It is little surprise. Yes and no shocks when you first “acquaintance” It will not cause. That's why, can fly as often as you want, but only for the purpose of planned restoration work. (A) “wise men”, who will try to “snatch yourself” waiting for the, What is stated in the “prices of life”. And still, any invaders can be “going under the knife”.
“World Government”, to soften your verdict must collect four billion six hundred million concerts with him, approximately fifty-one percent of the total actual population, then we select the Time, to review the. So you have things to do, but the time you have almost no.
…Infinite Space, Universe “Ajfaar”, Galaxy “The Milky Way”, Constellation “The Pleiades”, the eighth Star “Sun”, Planet “Land”.
Approved By The: 11 the eleventh (“the name, that does not make the man”)
Bonus Track:
DDT – Interview.ogg (Rozhdennyj v SSSR-1997) Listen To, What about this, said Yuri Shevchuk in 1997 year.
“It sunny where greed and disgraceful for Samurai….” – Bushido.
…and some particularly “nimble smart” manage to take umbrage at the, that no one is going to “share”. How you can share the, who does not exist? You must be crazy! (A), Although it is not possible: After all, you did not Exist…everything is much worse…
Still not too late to do harakiri…
…well, now try “tasčitaj Ta 100”. Bet? Before you know it. Although it is not difficult: You must, only, take it forward…
..Ty for the sabotage of the answer…
…reported that you have “Esoteric Divisions”, who have nothing better to do will destroy “Èkstrasensornyj Human Potential”. AI-AI-AI, “as you fall”!? We will pay you a closer Look at first, and, Perhaps, Today we start your “complete glut”…We hastily removed, until it's you got…
In order for the, to subscribe to the sentence, enough to leave any icon in the comments section and fill in the “mandatory” fields.
Also promoted dissemination of invitations for the signature sentence places available. Along the lines of: “If you are not indifferent to Destiny and life – sign the verdict “World Government”.” Or more creative option, at your discretion …Here Is The.
Documented: Download space
* Distributed in accordance with Common Cosmic Convention.
O Yes) some time we allowed ourselves to be unguarded dreamers , but ! Glory to glory to Glory we have realized and remembered the reality behind the skillfully woven misinformation ….uffff))))
Ok, If this is not just an emotional outburst.
An unexpected meeting with sinhronnomyšleniem on the above subject first breeds empathy reaction in the form of emotional surge. the road brought me in RimMir) and the surfing on the Internet for me and the confirmation and presentation-konvegenciâ,in a Word.
The convergence of you and the world?
Hmm)) essentially you could determinirovat′ , Of course,on the basis of the axioms I am the unity of all that is ….
In principle no one calls. But it is not possible not to agree, the best music – This SILENCE.
STILLNESS opens the set,of hidden principles ,that principle applies to things of course taken ,so in need of key , but this thinking is interesting only to me ,like it sub′ektivno.
Danja! Šepovalov! Are you Lee?????
If only they had the aim of destroying the US , long ago, we did not have b. ..what they pull back then…
Who they are? Apparently, the answer is obvious: If “pull” – You may not be faster, or hostage – life warranty. Do not be lazy: understand your.
It's time for the count samodurov) faster only
Creatures, who program games on this planet, want to create a new reality for their needs. The old playground has worn, lost power. So they create or have created other virtual reality in other dimensions for new experiments. But to do this they need human souls, to liven up the new body – hybrids, make a samorazvevaûŝejsâ.
They are well aware, where attention, There's energy. And where the energy there creations. Now comes the fight for your attention, offering people different options for the future of games.
Some gods have in store for you in the space ships. They need recruits, to expand its space of Empire, making of you cogs in a giant mental machine.
Others in opposition to them is to get back to basics, where are your ancestors – the gods, to revive the lost paradise on Earth.
Still others are trying to intimidate the divine heavenly, the impending 12 the planet and the global catastrophe for earthlings, putting people in fear of the cave. Fear – for them the old good food, which have been reluctant to give up.
Well, and still others send only the love of mankind, rebuilding in its dimensions magnetic lattice around your planet, to make it more comfortable from the impending cosmic radiation. They soothe impressionable earthlings, as parents of young children.
- You are all angels, so nothing will happen to you. So, trâhanet little, so with your white wings has fallen off loose dirt, and then zaživete better.
They are as careful snoopers, are you protected from all adversity of dense world.
There are a lot of ègrègorial′nyh worlds, where you trap units of various pastors and teachers ' hierarchy.
So which one to choose from these countless worlds, that offer new star relatives and vagrants merchants? Or rather would say, not a person makes a choice, and the soul chooses what worlds to go.
Large account, None of these divine guys don't lie. And why should, After all, people – This is just capacity, where the possession of a soul.
Each outer mentor, I want to, that game was the pre-planned plan, It is desirable to its stellar clan.
Developing a feeling of inferiority in man, they pull his will, substitute religions and philosophies.
Or vice versa, not human to elevating deservedly celestials, now raising it and so, excessively bloated egocentrism. This gives the gods ability to manipulate mankind for their own purposes, even the blagostnyh views.
Not mankind degraded, While your overworked gods into matter and have forgotten, What are the rules of the game.
Playing without rules, in permissiveness, they brought this planet and people up to exhaustion. For the sake of their scientific and culinary research, your gods, willingly or unwillingly inhabited planet and a body of people in countless worlds of the lower beings inorganic.
The planet was covered with hard, infrared cocoon, which stifles freedom of perception of Earth. And now the souls, locked in the hardened bodies, left with little chance to return home without assistance.
Most shower sleep besprobudnym sleep of materialism in the ocean of low-frequency energy, not knowing, What is going on around. Meanwhile, your collective reality dies. Ending the game “hide and seek from the spirit”. Even attacks by tribesmen from the parallel worlds or other you are from the future, for the sake of the playground, does not bring the proper fruits, If you change the past, It will change the future, but it will be a new chance of future lost in an endless maze of fractal time.
- By the way, You cares? I guess, No. For you it's just an abstraction, no support of evidence. The future for man – illusion – the tale of tomorrow.
But as always, the good fairy tale – happy ending. Return true masters of the Earth from hard times and already have their legitimate rights to harvest the consciousness. They do not fly in the plates between the worlds and do not create the grille around the globe. Why!
Because thanks to their intention of holding up the entire manifested universe.
They – creators and destroyers into one. When the time comes to ripening souls, they return from the abyss of nothingness and destroy the old energy around the planets, seeded life, to set the “and”, organizing your soul “floors” realities, According to their energy content.
On Earth at this time takes on chaos, and the invisible becomes visible, Black White, and black is white. The world is immersed in the power of sincerity and transparency, where the person is visible x-ray.
For the shower – This examination to the next level, for other, No who mastered the lesson – This repetition – the mother of learning. But for a few it's farewell to the Alma Mater.
- So, What is your future man? You do not know? But it has already happened there, in timelessness, and inevitably coming at you, According to the ticket you bought.
Interesting and entertaining.
The text is quite interesting despite the admitted Typing!
But, I would like to note that the statement “The universal verdict” (So to say the alien will) how everything is tied to human logic… Hurt everything is clear and understandable… And a lot of ulybaûŝih phrases like Immortal life (That smacks of terrorist terms (so say brain-washing)) and phrases To fill up the French and Germans because they are shot in PORNUŠKE))) They're here and, the same blind – people don't know our ways… You better say so great The Gods, The head of the universe. Clearly say so, the world Show their will… There is no cost to you… And you probably already imbued with the essence of man, and I know That people can be changed only on the brink, the cliff, on his deathbed, we the people are ready for unthinkable deeds we are ready to satisfy… Surprise the true picture of the world… Learn to fly, walk on water… see the future…
We only need a sign, We must believe in you… And how can we believe you If you do not see, do not see with our eyes, but see through the eyes of my heart and soul! Our minds wounded Lie, violence, and too much fear and locked themselves in a Dungeon of disbelief and doubt… And the only thing on the physical plane In terms of low energy Seen by our eyes can release our minds to release Universal logic and compassion!
With respect and peace of the IRB (Yellow spectral Warrior 11ogo Tones)
Cib (Vladimir), did you know that the Nagual?
This is especially for those, who likes to: “and then there's somehow not clear!”. No excuses. And if you understood – means that you saw. Congratulations on your. Cosmos Simple. Divine mind is able to highlight any area of Space. Would this make sense.
In the truest sense. If you do not need to – pass by.
rather, eversion. If not help – will be posting.
They're not blind – It is the soul ( Consciousness ) animals in human bodies or intentionally modified. They are harmful to, that prevent potential growth promising souls in its infancy, thus stealing their lives. And this horrific crime. Their needs to be a focused treatment, due to the impact on the structure of the soul through effects on neurons. The opposite of how they came to destroy the human race. Such elementary things you want to see at once. Or do you think, We will explain to you all of your misunderstanding?
as proof, can destroy planet Earth or the Milky Way Galaxy. You will have enough, to believe? What do you think, If people ask a question the answer to which will not be able to understand? If your interest relates only to the vision will – try to lift his head up or explore a topic Universe. The Right Of Free Will. The Right To Freedom Of Choice.
We only know. Yet the impression, that you have not read not only The Verdict but he himself Infinite Space.
Do you still have any questions. Since you people smart – for you a special Response Space, respond to all possible and not possible questions.
Best regards, Infinite Space.
Dear friends, We are grateful to everyone who has taken an active position and signed the Verdict, thus showing how he and she has a high level of development. You are already an advanced Minds on the planet. What you and Congratulations
As we honor the work of those, who had chosen to remain silent. After all, it is not at all easy to: creating the indifference, contribute to the treatment “lost souls”, immersing them in uncertainty.
However, the number of signatories to date several times or even orders of magnitude smaller than the number of persons trained by the.
We just want to remind, What is the most important – It is understood that, What's the best outcome – that's when the mentally ill Being will be able to heal yourself. Now in the accelerated. Because the time they have no more.
Herd junkies.
And don't say, Alexey. Drug users compared to them – children in nurseries. The work with human beings can only afford the crazies. But let's give them a last harmless hint?
Light, Love and dreams -
A World of Simplicity.
Learn To Create, Love.
Not judging, and just live!
Cthulhu fhtang!!!
Cheers!
and I hohol
Thank you!
Vasil, and you!
( ( ( Cosmos Love ) ) ) not only Khokhlov, but Ukrainians.
In An Infinite Space, tell me then what neošibočno, According to you?
All hell and paradise is a State of mind and is it from the same Soul.
All that you have said is the place to be. But the concentration of energies, their placement is not correct. The universe has a different form and structure, and the fact that there is now – this inertia. The new stars are visible to the naked eye only during the Photon Band. In General, a more detailed answer to your question would take too many words, of future topics on this site. Yes and if you read the topics already proposed for consultation – easily identify the shortcomings, referred to, using only thinking, that with an abundance of available to normal people. “World Government” already vlezlo in the House, life, family, the head of the living (soon all you like in panties), and it is not the Divine Will – It is the product of human fear, and inability to speak “No! Hands off me!”. All fear being “White Ravens”, not to be a prostitute; hear from them: “You are such a!” – the phrase, they say Each; look no lies on TV; make sure that the, that life – This is not a game. In our lives there is only one game – This is a game system and the, who is hiding behind it, with the population of the planet. If you think you are, What is this “dizuha” – can not read and did not comment on, After all, you will “the hand does not pull”. It is possible the emergence of such thoughts in your minds, as their ubiquitous plant.
In this case, no development takes place, and there are things as they are, just as we are in one place and then in another, and there is nothing, no life, nor death, no movement, but only “Earth tone Brown”, But enough “bully” head up, to refute these allegations.
Here we don't pay money for something, What we do, and the profit we do not have, but it is not a fact, you do not pay for the, that you, leaving comments, trying to mislead naive readers.
Selection occurs not on the basis of territorial division, (a) on the Qualities of the soul – This is for those, who do not carefully read all, What is written on the site and in the sentence.
ARTICLES ABOUT VARIOUS THEMES – Sense Of Self Importance, or sense of Vibration.
MICROWAVE – Super High Frequency, or over High Vibration.
START – Over Low Vibration.
About views: We have never any Opinions on any occasion there was and is no – that's why we don't have the possibility to, for the same reason we don't have a sense of humor. If someone wanted to put here to show their “view” – better go to the store…
Judging by the categorical, which you hold in judgment, in order to impose their own misconceptions as many impressionable People, you have not only the notion of culture, but you are the party of cheating the world. What do you think about the “the third type of” Creatures, conspiring against God – “dvuserdečnye”. For just your type say, that you will not be able to stand on the sidelines watching “who will win”, then run across to the side of the victors. The more, that you, too, the favor. We will simply be regarded on the second item: “supporters “Zeus”.” – and confuse with General “a product of biomass” This whole kodly, before you would in the lower layers of reality. You, in particular, can separate from the “mass” somewhere in the minus 5, Minus The Sixth Dimension, During its rapid fall; because there's more Energy for you – the native Space for you, and here you were accidentally – There's your Home; just the right place for Provocateurs
)) You will not save the lies
Although, We have to admit, the speech of the organism, for verbal quibbles, the suction in the pit of the logical fallacies lžeDuhovnosti, are the cause of the fall, do you use Professional
)) But soap bubbles just burst…
If you seriously take the verdict, and naturally occurring Patterns you seem unclear, do not understand, pointless, and that's all “just something like” – You should not pereutruždat′ a study “too complex or confusing”, According to you, Patterns, for which you need a fairly high and stable level of consciousness development, that your still a young Mind can achieve in the future, If you will improve yourself, and neither is self care.
Apparently, It is because of the misinformation you decide to read almost all the pages, and subscribe to news feed, However, just as your President. Yes, Dear you ours, After all, in a world of lies and deceit with every passing day it becomes more difficult to Lie… And you proved it is excellent – successful performance.
Misinformation – This is something, What's on TV, and then the, that surrounds you – This is reality.
In the future will remain only perfect People – get what you want. And this divine will.
If you can't be Perfect(Oh) – Why should you Be?
All, who are interested to communicate, I can go on space Forum.
I believe, the Higher Worlds there is no such thing as a "space" that the Court would act on the principle of punishment, as in the physical world. The point, everything that happens in the universe relative to the Universe and all you want is a part of the. Therefore, there is no such thing as a "crime" from the point of view of God at all. The God of all loves and wants to, to fulfill divine will Each. God is not outside of us and not a single Creature, to which we do not get it, and God really is, we and each of us is The. It's easier to explain is the unity of Many. Yet God called all, There is a Light (Light Source), but the light does not vindictive and his plans do not include, to punish someone.
In the world all, that is Created for the development of the soul, Let no matter how dark do not seem. Even if there are violations of the plan of the creator, These "violations" and were part of the plan, because we are the creators and any creation loved by God are equally, as any other Creation. We are in fact in the study themselves, do what, that call "bugs", but they did not condemn no one, they too are part of this Path.
Remember. that's all there is in the world is based on freedom of, even if you think it is, that you are not free, you yourself have chosen these "chains" for a higher purpose.
About this "sentence", Here, too, everything is based on free will. Those, who wants to break free of systems. just chose the path of liberation and Escape, those who do not want to-no one condemned, both of these Choices are equal before God and Infinitely loved by Them. The Portion Of The Shower, just decided to stay even in the lowest World, to further explore the.
Hell, too, it's just a State of mind, just like Paradise. Figuratively speaking, I can say, that burning in the fire you can feel great, While living in Bliss feel "in hell". Hell is the illusion it is dissatisfaction with something (kolebimost′ Soul). Paradise is a State of mind. We Are Forever, We Are The Void!!!!))))))
do not know,you will not understand, those, one of the body do not burn from the text of the Sentence, will burn in hell
sarkey, “World Government” felt just like you, and preferred, lazing around, dream, and now they head collapsed all, what they were trying to escape. And you hold the same position, just because you have a similar point of view, hiding a holistic view of the universe. Most likely – because of your “leniency” and the pursuit of superficial kindness. But now you find yourself in this position, that forced to defend their positions, because you have no other, and recognize their error you can not. Your knowledge of the source of, God, The universe are wrong. The true structure of the universe would be revealed and shown the, who will take place in the space of time stamp “2013″. Read, at least The Apocryphon Of John – It's a bit you will come to a.
All the same, partly you are right: We love black holes, our love was embodied in the form of medical care, provided through the Cosmic Fire.
Because. you declare that, that very cleverly have the ability of thinking – for you will come to understand the, that consciousness is not able to distinguish Revenge from Reciprocity – no more than a negligible Microbe, gnobâŝijsâ in his own filth, Conducting the remnants of their lives, in anticipation of the “Bright Glova”, that would fall down “a handful of products”.
Weird watch actions such as your: with Valuable knowledge about how, all that is within you, you have absorbed a ton of lies from the outside, the generated black holes.
Pleases even the, that you somehow are moving in the direction of Self-improvement. But if you find yourself the same as blank and black holes, nahvatavšiesâ Surface Concepts (sucked under the pretext of “Progress”) the Creatures can see Transcendental Objects – you will burn in hell with them. But once you know, in the fire of hell there is nothing wrong – tell it black holes, so they do not interfere and calmed down…
( ( ( ( ( ( : Because Hell Is Beautiful : ) ) ) ) ) )
the body burns from the text of the sentence =)
Hello, In An Infinite Space.
Your determination is very sweet, and the Rockefeller Foundation on the number?… Hmm… Alluring sounds
“If the sentence is cruel…”
Naturally much responsibility fall on the, who do you call Zetas, and these people (Sorry, “Zucchini”) must understand the, What to do no more. But aggression, as far as I know, breeds aggression – The universal law of reflection.
You lot write correctly, just let me ask: and how have those Zucchini, their beginnings and why continue to produce them? If the law of reincarnation is the place to be, the, for example, one of the options: no need to deal with these very low-sex, to attract these vibrations and does not give birth again these Zucchini.
Men, by and large, necessary only in the case of education of men, for self-discovery women are of little use (well, I mean, at this stage of development “reasonable men”), because so much, I completely agree with you, about sex. And even if you remove the “sex is bad”, in any case remains “sex good”. And here is the question: and why should he need (except for those rare cases, When the need for birthday person)? This is the same nonsense, a waste of energy. But how did the enlightenment there some men through woman, or what kind of nonsense is still ponapridumyvali in “the Kama Sutra of the wise” and other similar high books? Well, and from here, “This song is good, start first (produce Zucchini)”.
Shorter, my proposal, don't need anyone on the number, just castrate them and imprison one “Bank” (well, those, you're accusing the immorality there ill), to no longer bred such Zucchini (and if the breed they will not, It will die very soon) and to maintain the purity of the mind, and easily share that information with other people.
Because everyone has their own life and who has the right to take away life except God, and why do you like courgettes, that claim: “no man, There is no problem”?
To change the situation, Here are just a “shyla on SOAP”, in my opinion, If you don't offer, to replace the existing, clearly formulated its new system of laws, the authenticity of the creator (I would like to mention, 3 paragraph about love written by good), (a) “breaking, not to build”.
And to power, IMHO, striving only geeks (any psychologist even normal and any religion it will confirm). Rebuild is really worth, in my opinion, school system, namely: provide people the very divine God's laws, by understanding which any man alone is able to reach self-sufficiency and understanding:
- necessity of existence in the external and in the inner world of the law of universal love,
- Planetary associations based on this love,
- maintaining the purity of body and mind.
Best Regards, Lizok.
Thank you for a fun signature.
Space will remember your words
you're absolutely right: the, What's happening now – This is the Law of reciprocity, only the cosmic scale.
discrimination, taking on Pitchfork, Flaw In Sofia, Flaw Pleromy. Read More on the Forum.
Yes you materialistka.
Where do you get that problem “sekase”? This is just one of the aspects of the. Local solutions permitted to apply over the last 75 000 years. Tipping the results they have brought, because no longer are. The decision will be reconsidered only if a sufficient number of signatures collection. (A) between a man and a woman there is no difference, If you go beyond the conventional limits of the organism.
God of life and Being a higher level of development. In contrast to Our “Team”
, It's not even Protoarhonta, which is considered the creator of (but rather by the) People.
It is enough to eliminate the assassins of dorvavšihsâ to power. In all this, the Rockefellers – small-small checkers. Yes and, in General, who are those? You've seen them ever? From our point of view – It is West of the hoax. Some conclusions made by you indicates, that website you either have not read, or simply “proŝelkali” page. Any Sound issues released its source in full, If set to listen to. It is not difficult to guess, that your help no one expects, But if it will be provided – only you can help yourself. Because you have nothing to offer us something, This intrigued Us. We just pick up the, that belongs to us and at the same time you get it out of the pits, you got to own naivety. The, up to a certain point you can watch the process.
PS. If there are people, who believe, that brilliant clean – It is not for them – they can not enjoy our “SOAP and water”, and keep themselves in the darkness of their ignorance, making the old-fashioned way all its stupid “awl”.
Best Regards, Infinite Space.
Many thanks to brothers and sisters. I express my endless love all things. OM MANI PAD ME HUM I wholeheartedly wish ॐ commutation, because both the (they) Initially, are light and are a part of a single Infinite Creator, However,, as stated in the code of r. f.. “ignorance of the law is no excuse” Let it be.
In the Lotus, и правда, is a true jewel.Dobrolët, It is easy to see, We are doing everything possible to, to cure.
( ( ( Space Loves you ) ) )
Yes, Guys, The truth is, that we, too, you( (Just Love) ) AND, even, “microbes” with black holes. In the text are just some Technologists, used to Waking Life in dead matter. We do not exclude, many people, he seemed very harsh, but it only says that, that such people are poorly prepared to update the Time – so you still need to work on yourself, at least until your love to the world nor become Unconditional.
AVATAR , in this universe, all made from Helium. You, of course, know about it. It would be nice to, If all the people in the world to have these issues.
In Addition To “give birth” There are still elements “predvečnye” Force, but all this is just some facets of the world of countless in their number. Some of the information you can get on our forum. We fully agree with you: everything must be “gratis”, that is of course – ( ( ( Simple Love ) ) )
3.. And the true essence of understand then, When the questions to ask and how was born in this world of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon?
There are only three elements in nature (hydrogen-oxygen-carbon)
And a man with a transparent mind immediately notices among other elements of the periodic system and periodic in nature
Because in Latin for the ancient language “give rise to” they
And give birth in the Galaxy that's their Forte (After all, if you think that sober of all life is)
And who else but these three elements can tell us about the birth of gormonii and give the opportunity to live in harmony…
If well observe nature which – While, You can see the – that everything in this world exists in harmony except Homo sapiens ….because the person thought and chose the easy way “A Lie” , BUT this does not mean that this is the right way!!!!!!!!!!!
You can spend your whole life telling the truth and then become really happy(This is the hard way, but you can say all the truth and be close to the people you love life)
But here's the problem
We ordinary people don't know enough about the who universe
And knowledge of great minds have bought State
Enough to sell their minds
We do not change, until we can free of charge to share knowledge
HAVE SOLD PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let it be!
How nice that you find me in 18))
any time left)))
Down with all Slaveholders, i.e.. zetov.
and we read the comments, look for randomly-generated icons, and at the same time and rejoice, and Diva daemsâ: What a lovely and sleek icons for all “Our”
But it shows, the individual Vibrations of personality, manifested in the, the permeating all her life, interact with each other ((( Harmoniously )))
While on applications “dominant female of civilization” – It is not possible. That once again expose the fact that they zavranoj lie, and Symbols of victory. …Stupid Fight with victory…
((((((( ˜”*°•☆•°*”˜ )))))))
Thank you ((( Feundor ))) and
((( Lakshmi: Narayan das ))) (((:)))
Here Is The, more of phptal usage
I beg your pardon, but “Eternity and Eternity floor” It's like?
Durnì CE cìstoï water fantastìka HA HA HA !!:))))))))))))))))
Late to save your skin, roman-Nominated. Good sit among the deceived Ukrainian people, prone to emotions, on a couple of free horčah? you still, In addition to, boor and provocateur – not surprisingly for Zetov. The Truth Burns, so in fact? …and still: roman, your signature is zaŝitana, don't forget to invite your “relatives”
Y )
Join )
It seems to me very dangerous Zetas, they can easily manipulate people in power. And thus we bungle the present and the future.
We need to begin to rally men.
they sure do. and what's more, each reborn Z and “party kodly” knows, the reborn Z, and that the task of killing live people, fooling around on them, playing circus, Unlike the naïve people, who here is romantic razmečtalis′. Of course, to join you need to. Soon God will give its “Army” The Divine Weapon. Not bad, it would be converted to the Russian segment of the Internet. None “Microbe” No weapon against God. Perhaps only disturb It, When he is reborn in “mikrobovskom” the body of, to study the situation, by opening this way for direct effects on the body. In the consequence, back of Illusion into reality, is deleting obsolete varieties “microbes”, any redistribution of them.
Good Zetas?)))))
Zetas bitch smart. They put a hologram around our planet, so we have seen the, what they want, and now we are trying to capture. Perhaps your whole city is a hologram, so please be more attentive and don't fall for the ploy Zetov.
Although most Zetov bad Zetas, There is good, They speak with some humans of Earth and inform them of important information, which can be read on the Web.
How to join the ranks of the Space army "?Thank you
Kirill, Here is the answer to your question
But it is best to start reading from there. Here too many helpful hints.
Mr Man, they rather hopeless idiots, which, yet, “bystronogi”. All is not quite so horrible about the Illusions: in general all the three-dimensional measurement of illusional, but this does not merit Zetovskaâ – It is this degree of Reality.
With such men – even for a Light Edge.
Thank you very much, Friends! With great joy to the prisoedenûs′ in the outpour “Past Volumes” These lost souls